Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The End of Learning

   John Milton, in his Tractate on Education, once wrote, "The end then of learning is to repair the ruins of our first parents by regaining to know God aright..."  There are three pieces to this quote that I want to highlight: the purpose of education, the redemption of the world, and the knowledge of God.

   Milton understood that education has a purpose. It is not just "what I have to do," as many students would say. It has a goal or an "end". What is that goal? It cannot be to simply make smarter children, or even to make better citizens.  The purpose of education is to "repair the ruins of our first parents."  The reason for education is to reverse the effects of sin entering into the world by using knowledge and acquired skills to engage in redemptive work.  And finally, there is the "how." How do we educate the young to be redemptive influences? The answer: "by regaining to know God aright." A correct knowledge of God is key to restoring the world. 

   There are three elements to the enormous importance of Milton's words and our task as educators in the 21st century. 1. Educate. Teach knowledge and skills. Mere ideas rule the world. 2. Educate with a purpose. The purpose of learning is to restore all the world, from individuals to social structures and even entire cultures. 3. Place God at the center of education.  A knowledge of God is the first and most important step toward a true understanding of His universe. 

   This blog is about Education and Christianity. It is my intention that this could be a resource for Christian educators who seek to carry out their vocations with excellence and love. I hope to gather resources for Christian educators both in the public and private sectors, from K-12 to the university, that allow all of us to become more effective pedagogues and to think more truly about the vocation of education.  I will regularly scan the past for wisdom as well as comment on current events related to education. 

   If it is true that the end of learning really is global redemption through the medium of knowing God, then the end of this blog will be the same.

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